Archive for the 'crafty' Category

Hot Pies!

h1 Friday, August 1st, 2008

I couldn’t wait any longer to bake up one of the tiny jar plum pies I made yesterday. Here is a photo of it just out of the oven.  Yummy!


Little Plum Pies

h1 Thursday, July 31st, 2008

I did it!  I made some little plum pies.  They are all in the freezer now for a rainy day. 

This is the filling recipe I used. It yielded 4 pies. 

1 pound plums 
2/3 cup sugar
1 1/2 tablespoons cornstarch
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice


Single Serving Pies

h1 Thursday, July 31st, 2008

I just saw these today on Not Martha and I must make them.  How great it will be to have my very own tiny pie whenever I want! She makes them in jelly jars and freezes them, so when you are ready for pie all you do is pop it out of the freezer and into the oven!  These would be adorable for a dinner party as well.  I pretty much love anything that is a individual portion. I think I will make some plum pies since my plum tree is still going!

Firefly Baby Booties

h1 Monday, July 28th, 2008

I just saw these online today. I think I might have to make them. The light is cute, but I think they are also adorable without the choking hazard.  (Can you tell I’ve been taking baby care classes?)

Baby Blanket

h1 Monday, July 7th, 2008

The time has come for me to embark on a bigger than bootie knitting project.  No time like the present to start on a baby blanket for our little one.  For some reason I am drawn to the color off-white or cream.  If it didn’t dirty so easily, everything I own would be cream colored.  Our living room shag area rug is cream (and I love it).  Pretty much every time I go to a yarn store I end up leaving with some new and different off-white yarn.

It was not easy to find a baby blanket pattern that I liked.  Most of them are puke-y baby styles with frills and lace or boring stockinette stitch for like 1,000 rows. Often when I look at the accompanying photo to a knitting pattern I have a difficult time getting past the yarn that is used.  I’m guessing many patterns might draw me in if they weren’t photographed in gross pastels or hippie tie dye colors.

The pattern I am using is in a book called Hand Knits For The Home. It has tasteful designs and pretty pictures of things made with pretty yarn.  

The blanket I am making has a repeating star pattern done in seed stitch with a seed stitch border. This will be my first time working off a chart. I’ll let you know how it goes.  😎

Multicolored Booties

h1 Thursday, June 26th, 2008

I had started to knit these before I knew we were having a boy. In looking at my yarn collection it is pretty clear that I love the color pink. Oh well, this is San Francisco after all. I think they are super cute anyway. The yarn is a little scratchy so I lined the booties with store-bought socks and the hat with a cotton hat.

h1 Tuesday, May 20th, 2008


I saw this today on Design*Sponge and I gotta make me one.  

I just love doll parts.  You think its too creepy for the baby room?



A Box of Stars

h1 Thursday, May 8th, 2008

A couple weeks ago a friend and I took a sewing class at Stitch in Hayes Valley.  It was Sewing Basics II. Turned out it was a little too easy for me, but I still learned some neat things about my machine.  I also learned that taking crafty classes is fun!  

Someday I’d love to take a Letterpress class.  It would be neat to be able to make my own invitations, announcements, cards, whatever!  Pretty much THE place to go locally is The San Francisco Center For The Book.  

Burp Cloths II

h1 Wednesday, April 9th, 2008

According to Brett the most important function of a burp cloth is to be absorbent. With that in mind I beefed up this second batch with crazy wooly fabric on the back. The latest round of fabrics was purchased at Britex, which is a really fun store!

Burp Cloths

h1 Wednesday, April 2nd, 2008

Yesterday I broke down and had a Decaf Latté.  I must say it got my motor running! After I had a relaxing morning at the dog park with Charlotte, all I wanted to do was sew.  I went down to the Discount Fabric store at their brand spanking new location (11th & Howard). I picked up fabrics for burp cloths, and bibs.  I haven’t made the bibs yet, but they will be in a super cute insect oilcloth.  

The burp cloths turned out to give me more problems than I expected.  Mostly due to the use of bias tape (my first time), and the curvy-ness of the design.  Here are pics of the first two.  I imagine I’ll get better the more I make.  If i don’t improve noticeably on the third attempt, I may just make the ends squared off.