On Food and Eating

Maddox has been doing really well adjusting to “solid” food. He is beginning to be more picky, but for the most part he is a good eater. He used to eat a ton, but that has tapered off and he is satisfied with one small bowl of food and a handful of “O’s“. He LOVES O’s. I thought he’d love picking up all food and putting it in his mouth, but not so – just O’s. He is perfectly happy being fed chunks of banana, cheese, potato, etc, but if I put them on his tray he just pushes them over the edge in denial.
I need to start feeding him more big boy food. I have a book of recipes that I plan to get started on any day now. It appears that I will have to make more food a la minute, and less can be frozen ahead.  Joy.  Beyond pureed vegetables and fruits he eats scrambled egg yolk, cheese, O’s, banana, plum (from our tree), cottage cheese, and yogurt.  Not a huge repertoire, but its a start. He pretty much wants to live off of fruit and yogurt.  Anything else is received with a squished up face and much gagging and shuddering. Its all very dramatic, like I’m trying to poison him. He also will wave his entire arm back and forth as to say  “No. Yuck, get that thing away from me!”. This is a similar arm motion that sends chunks of food other than O’s flying off his tray.
This squished up nose face above is his current smiling on purpose look. Â At least that is our guess. Since this photo was taken last month there are more variations on the face.