Archive for the 'pregnancy' Category

28 Weeks

h1 Tuesday, June 17th, 2008

28 Weeks

The baby is equal in weight to a Chinese cabbage — about 2 1/4 pounds.
Length: almost 15 inches, from head to heel.

I feel blessed that pregnancy has been pretty nice up to this point.  I know that is not the case with many women. I actually think my belly is pretty cute still, all sticking out and full of baby. Though I am starting to notice where the other 10 pounds (of the 20 I’ve gained) went – hips and ass mostly (though a good pound or two has made its way to my boobies – yay!).  

I’m feeling pretty pregnant these days.  I saw my doctor last week and she announced that my honeymoon period is officially over. For the last 7 months I’ve been like “Hey this pregnant thing is a breeze!”.  Now, not so much.
Its more difficult to walk, to sit, to sleep, to lay down.  I’ll spare you the details, but now I know what varicose veins are (and they aren’t so cute). I made it a good solid 6 months of no caffeine, but now I must say a glass of tea a few times a week keeps me going. If it weren’t for tea I’d never have the energy to blog, or knit, or take care of my dog, or even shower some days.

Turns out it takes a lot of energy to make a baby.  And for me, most of that energy comes from fruit.  I can’t get enough of it.  Strawberries, blueberries, pineapple, mango, banana, peaches, figs, nectarines, pears, and apples are all in my kitchen as I speak.  Crazy.  By Thursday it will all have been consumed.  I should try to eat more meat I suppose. Everyone says protein is important.  I just don’t ever crave it, and since the hubby is vegetarian, it rarely makes it on the menu.  I’m pretty sure I get protein from other places though (cottage cheese, whole grains, dairy), so I’m not too worried.  Should I be?  Maybe I’ll have some eggs for dinner.

(while writing that I just consumed 30 grams of cottage cheese protein)
I’ll try to remember to have Dallas take a photo of my belly.  Its about time for another.

If anyone out there has some good knitting patterns let me know.  I’m running out of ideas and still have plenty of yarn and time.  Help?

Little Squid

h1 Sunday, June 15th, 2008

What an adorable little outfit!  Made in San Francisco too.


New Rug

h1 Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008

We finally picked out an area rug for the nursery!  Yay.  Once it arrives then we can choose a paint color that compliments it, and start accessorizing from there.  


h1 Tuesday, May 27th, 2008

25 weeks

According to Baby Center

“Your baby rivals the average rutabaga in weight — about 1 1/2 pounds.

Length: 13 1/2 inches, head to heel.”


We just hit the 25 week mark and I still feel good.  I just ate a snack and I can feel him moving around as a result of the nutrients.  I’ve been maintaining a pretty active lifestyle.  Its possible that I should try to slow down.  It might not be necessary to attend every social event that comes up, but I like to be in the loop and in the know.  Even though we go to the events, we often leave well before everyone else. I just can’t keep up like I used to.  Last night I slept for 11 hours, and I feel as if I could easily go for a nap right about now.  But that is not in today’s plans.  Off to the dog park, then some quick errands. 


Fashion Blues

h1 Thursday, May 22nd, 2008

I’m going to a wedding soon and I’m on the search for an appropriate maternity dress.  I like this black one, but the store is only online and they don’t offer refunds on evening wear (only exchanges).  I guess they don’t want people wearing a dress once to an event, then returning it. I’m annoyed.  If I get it home and it doesn’t look good, then I’m stuck spending a stupid amount of money at some random “online boutique” on things I don’t want.  So thats out.  



Another option is to try a dress like this:

This store offers full refunds.  As cute as the dress is, I’m not so sure I’ll look any good in it.  Aggh!  I hear people always saying how cute maternity clothes are these days.  And how maternity wear has come so far. These people obviously haven’t tried finding a cute, appropriate, AND flattering dress to wear to a black tie event.  



h1 Monday, May 12th, 2008

Something I learned at Baby Center today…

“The animal with the longest gestation period?

Elephants. Their pregnancies last about two years.”

Belly Shot

h1 Friday, May 9th, 2008

22 1/2 weeks

Here is the long awaited belly shot.  Enjoy.

[In looking at this photo again, it is a tad misleading.  Something about the angle of the photo makes my belly look small (relatively).  I’ll have to take another one to show you all how giant it actually is.]



All Aboard!

h1 Thursday, May 8th, 2008

22 weeks

I think the baby is doing somersaults or something.  Its like I’m on a boat and can feel my insides sloshing around – but I’m not moving.  Weird.

He has been pretty active this week in general.  I guess its just that he’s getting bigger and I’m feeling more of his movements than before.  It can be quite distracting at times.  Last night we had a breast feeding class and he was all riled up.  It must have been the whole grain pizza with nitrate free meat, or the granola bar -whatever it was, he was digging it.  Anyway… Whenever he would kick or make a sudden jarring motion I would look around to see if anyone else noticed it. It was so distracting to me that it must have been at least detectable to the other people in the room.  Turns out it wasn’t.  Either that, or they were too enthralled with lactation.

I look forward to the day when my Dallas can feel him kicking too.  

Cute Mommy-To-Be Clothes

h1 Thursday, April 17th, 2008

I’m starting to need some maternity clothes for real. I have one pair of skinny black jeans, which I love. Now its time for a couple cute versatile shirts. Nobody wants to see my belly hanging out the bottom of my pre-prego shirts. Ewey.

I’m really liking the stuff over at Isabella Oliver right now. I might order some online and see if it looks as good in person, and on my person.

This wrap top is super cute:

(its actually something I’ve had my eye on since way before I was pregnant!)

Its a Boy!

h1 Monday, April 14th, 2008

I’m so excited. This whole time I just felt like, almost assumed, we were having a boy. Its kind of neat to know I wasn’t wrong. Mothers intuition perhaps.

I think today is when the whole thing became more real. It was really nice to be able to see our baby boy and see for myself that he had all his limbs, all his organs, and no cleft pallet. He’s actually quite cute too! When they were checking his lip for a cleft pallet they had to get in real close. We were able to see his face pretty well, including his cute little nose. Also he was moving his mouth like he was chewing or just finished eating.

The ultrasound technician asked if I had just eaten lunch because he was very active. I guess he likes how japanese food makes him feel! Me too.

We saw him put his hands up to his face, roll over, uncurl his body, and kick his legs. Right now all the moving seems so cute. I’m guessing I won’t feel that way in a few weeks when those little kicks are getting me in the ribs.

Here he is on his side facing us. Head on the right of the shot. He is holding his arms up by his eyes, and that is his knee on the left.

And finally here is the money shot… This one shows off his boyhood. No mistaken.

(Just like Ronin, we are hoping this is the first and only time his boy-parts will be on the internet.)