
h1 July 30th, 2009

Its official.  The kid is crawling. July 18th Maddox started crawling for reals. Life has been changed forever. He is a little less complainy because he can get around himself and reach more things, but on the other hand he is more complainy because there are more things he is not allowed to have.  Also he doesn’t want to be held very much these days.  All he wants to do is crawl and pull things off shelves. I’m still trying to find a good place in the city to take him to crawl that is free from urban debris.

Here are a couple videos of Maddox in action:

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2 comments to “Crawling”

  1. Ha ha! Look at him gooooooo!

  2. These videos are ridiculously cute!! Can’t wait to see him in action this weekend…